I’m a photographer and writer based in Manchester.

I was a print journalist for 18 years, but now use photography, text and audio to tell stories and often work as a facilitator.

Between 2011 and 2014 I worked closely with Roma families to tell visual stories about their new lives in the UK. This was funded by Arts Council England, Side Gallery, the Lipman-Miliband Trust and Big Issue North Trust. I’ve also made long-term, collaborative work with members of the UK’s indigenous Gypsy and Traveller communities. You can see these and other projects under the ‘personal work’ tab in the menu bar, left.

In 2022-23, I worked with Traveller women in a residency with Open Eye Gallery, looking at the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on their lives (explore this here). I’m currently working with an asylum seeker support group in Wigan, on a project with Open Eye Hub. You can find information about these and various other commissioned socially engaged projects here.

I am currently a photography tutor at Manchester Metropolitan University.

I have an MA in photojournalism and documentary photography from London College of Communication, plus qualifications in journalism and teaching. I’m a member of Post Photo Collective and am a cooperative member at Bankley Studios and Gallery.